Hotel information
The Stay Club Willesden provides a flexible location, Harlesden Train and Tube stations being 1 km from the property. London city center is 11 km and London Heathrow Airport is 17 km from the property.
facilities and services include 24hr check in, bar, business services, cafe, gym/fitness facilities, internet access, laundry facilities, TV lounge and elevator.
Rooms feature Wi-Fi internet connection.
Earliest check in time is 15:00, latest check out time is 10:30.
Address: 5J Nicoll Road, NW10 9AX London, England.
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Key amenities
Check-in: 03:00 PM
Check-out: 12:00 PM
Express Checkout
High-Speed Internet Access
Complimentary High Speed: Check email + browse the Web
Enhanced High Speed: Video chat, download large files + stream video for 18 EUR/day
Complimentary Public Area
Restaurants & Lounges
Le restaurant Le Cent Quatorze
Enjoy fresh, modern dining during your stay here in Boulogne-Billancourt. Le Restaurant le 114, our on-site restaurant, features a private terrace and innovative cuisine. We also host one of the premier brunches in the Boulogne-Billancourt area.
Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Cent Quatorze Bar
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